Opera House

Theaterplatz with the Opera House, the King Albert Museum and St. Peter’s Church is one of the City of Chemnitz’s most beautiful architectural ensembles.

The programme offers a broad spectrum for all ages and audiences, ranging from classical to modern opera, from operetta to musical. Maintaining its repertoire, in particular the stage works of Richard Wagner and Richard Strauss – a stated aim of the opera house at the time it was established – naturally remains an element of the programme today. At the same time, Chemnitz Opera has attracted national attention in recent years for its staging of unknown and rarely performed operas such as Mascagni’s “Iris”, Nicolai’s “Il templario”, Pfitzner’s “Rose vom Liebesgarten”, Schreker’s “Schmied von Gent”, Reznicek’s “Benzin” and Nicolai’s “Heimkehr des Verbannten”.

Theaterplatz 2
09111 Chemnitz
phone: +49 371 6969-5