Hygiene advice

General information:

Information on the novel coronavirus COVID-19
The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) provides up-to-date and technically reliable information about the coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease on its website. There you will also find important hygiene and behavioral rules and recommendations for the prevention of infections.
All information is regularly checked, adjusted and supplemented.

Profile on COVID-19 and current case numbers:
The Robert Koch Institute offers a profile on COVID-19 on its website. There you will find all the important information about the virus, such as the transmission routes and the course of the disease.

The website also provides an overview of the current case numbers for the individual federal states and districts https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/478220a4c451d4480 .e823

You can find the current overview of the Corona regulation of the state of Baden-Württemberg here:
https://www.baden-wuerttemberg.de/fr / service / current-information-about-corona / faq-corona-regulation /

Hygiene information from the BZgA:
https: // www .bzga.de / fileadmin / user_upload / corona / 200306_BZgA_Atemwegsinfektion-Hygiene_schuetzt_DE.pdf

FAQ of the BzgA on the coronavirus:
https: //www.infektionsschutz .de / coronavirus / questions-and-answers.html

Orientation aid for guests with symptoms of illness:
https: // www .infektionsschutz.de / fileadmin / infektionsschutz.de / Downloads / Orientierungshilfe_Buerger.pdf

Protection standards for gastronomy - information for restaurant visitors and hotel guests:

Please avoid visiting our hotel if you suffer from acute respiratory diseases.

Stay in the hotel:
Please keep a sufficient distance from our staff and the other guests (at least 1.50 m - better more)
We have disinfectant dispensers in our house. Please use this before and after visiting the restaurant.
Only people who are allowed to contact each other according to the legal ordinances of the federal states may move into a hotel room together.

SPA area:
Due to state regulations, we are currently not allowed to offer some services, including the sauna and steam bath. We will inform you as soon as these areas are available for hotel guests again.

We offer our breakfast in buffet form.
Please disinfect your hands before entering. Please only come by table and with med. Face mask to the buffet. On your first visit we will show you your table.

The somewhat sparse table decoration is also a victim of our current security measures.

Sitting together at the table without observing the minimum distance is only allowed to those people who are allowed to contact each other according to the Corona regulation.

Our hygiene concept:
We follow the current recommendations of the safety measures of the professional association and DEHOGA and have also developed our own standards, especially our internal processes concern.
You can find current information about these standards here .

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DEHOGA: https://www.dehogabw.de