The little gull Monti

The little gull Monti was much smaller than all the other gulls she knew. The feathers just didn't want to grow so long and magnificent. Monti flew out to sea every day with the big gulls. Even though Monti tried very hard, he couldn't really keep up and fly as fast as the others. The cold winter weather also made it difficult for him. In their daily search for food, the fishing boats on the Baltic Sea are a safe approach station to fill their feathered bellies. Unfortunately, Monti only ever got the smallest fish, because he couldn't really assert himself. He knew that when he finally got hold of a big fish, he would soon be very big and as beautifully feathered as all the other gulls. 

So he continued to fly out with them every day, fighting for the big fish in the storm & icy wind. It was not easy. After a long day, with only small morsels of fish, Monti landed on the fishing boat to gather strength for his return home. All the other seagulls had already flown back ashore, fat and full. Fisherman Heinz noticed the little seagull Monti. "Hello, you little fellow!" he smiled. "I've often seen you fighting for the fish. Because you're small but strong-willed, I've saved you the biggest fish I caught today." Fischer Heinz gave the fish to Monti, who was now very happy. 

"Fischer Heinz, tell me, do you know why I don't grow as fast as all the other seagulls?" asked Monti with big googly eyes. Fischer Heinz answered him: "You know, everyone develops differently, it's just important that you always make an effort anyway, then you will also be rewarded and still reach your goal through other ways. You don't have to fight, just be clever. Each of us has qualities that we can use to our advantage, you just have to recognise them and use them." Monti thought about it and flew back to the other seagulls.