Montis new friend

"Well, hello... who are you?", Monti was quite startled when he sat on a boulder in the park, looked across the meadow and saw a butterfly on a dandelion. "Hello butterfly! What are you doing?" "I'm eating," replied the butterfly. "I've been asleep for quite a long time, all winter in fact.... Which is why I'm really hungry now." "Then I wish you a good appetite" replied Monti, who was watching in amazement the butterfly's visits to the flowers, as it glowed such a brilliant yellow when it flew around. 

Some time later, Monti called out curiously to the beautiful butterfly: "Say, what's your name? I haven't seen one like you before, I don't go to meadows very often and rather to the sea." "My name is Limon, I am a lemon butterfly," replied the yellow butterfly. Monti then told him his name too. Suddenly it became cloudy on this sunny spring day and little drops of water trickled down from the sky. Panic-stricken, Limon flew around the open meadow and looked around for a suitable hiding place. Monti took the initiative and quickly flew from his boulder to Limon, offering him immediate shelter.

"Limon, quickly get under my wings, they are waterproof!" shouted Monti in flight. Together, the two winged friends were able to wait out the rain under the trees at the edge of the path. "That was close!" said Limon to the little seagull in relief. Rain can be very dangerous for butterflies, the drops are incredibly heavy for their delicate wings.

Slowly the sun was visible again and the new friends could cautiously venture out onto the meadow. Limon immediately looked for a suitable spot on a dandelion blossom to spread his wings, warm up and dry off - Monti did likewise. "Thank you very much Monti, I will fly on now, I still have a lot to do and not infinite time, but perhaps we will see each other again very soon in a meadow by the wayside", Limo said goodbye and flew away.