Achievements and goals

Since 2016, AKZENT Hotels have been certified through our partner Viabono. What have we achieved so far?
- The first AKZENT hotels can be certified in 2016
- 2017 the first climate-neutral overnight stay will be offered
- The first hotels will be re-certified in 2018
- 204 trees were planted in the last 2 years in 2018 and 28 tons of CO2 could be bound by the climate-neutral stay
- In 2019, more than half of AKZENT houses are certified
- 2020 At the beginning of the year, more than 30 houses offer climate-neutral stays
- 2020 The first AKZENT house is completely climate neutral (each overnight stay is automatically climate neutral)
In 2019 alone, with only 15 hotels offering climate-neutral stays, more than 131 trees could be planted and more than 19 tons of CO2 compensated. In 2020, the target of compensating for at least twice the amount of CO2 with you has been far exceeded. We've planted 6 times as many trees (843 trees) and compensated over 17 times as many tons (341) tons as in 2019!

Trees planted so far:       1178
Forested area:                 9539,18 m²
Compensated CO2:        388 tons