Hygiene advice

General information:

Information on the novel coronavirus COVID-19

The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) provides up-to-date and technically secure information about the coronavirus and the disease COVID-19 on its website. There you will also find important hygiene and behavioral rules and recommendations for the prevention of infections.

All information is regularly checked, adjusted and supplemented.

Profile on COVID-19 and current case numbers:
The Robert Koch Institute offers a profile on COVID-19 on its website. There you will find all the important information about the virus, such as the transmission routes and the course of the disease. You can find this profile here: https://www.rki.de/ DE / Content / InfAZ / N / Neuartiges_Coronavirus / Steckbr ief.html? Nn = 13490888

Hygiene information from the BZgA:
https://www.bzga.de/fileadmin/user_upload/corona/200306_BZgA_Ate mwegsinfektion_DE_Hygiene_schuetzt

FAQ of the BZgA on the coronavirus:
https://www.infektionsschutz.de/coronavirus/fragen-und-lösungen.html < br />
Orientation aid for guests with symptoms of illness:
https://www.infektionsschutz.de/fileadmin/infektionsschutz.de/Download s / Orientierungshilfe_Buerger.pdf

Protection standards for gastronomy - information for restaurant visitors and hotel guests:
Please avoid visiting our restaurant and hotel if you suffer from acute respiratory diseases.

Stay in the hotel:
We have disinfectant dispensers in our house. Please use them regularly.
We ask you for your consideration for each other and for responsible cooperation.
We therefore recommend that you continue to wear a mask
Please wear a mask at the breakfast buffet!

Breakfast :
Please wear a mask at the breakfast buffet!

Reservation restaurant / Elbterrasse:
If possible, reserve in advance in order to make capacity limits manageable and to prevent overbooking.
A direct acceptance of guests without prior notification is possible, please wait at the restaurant entrance or at the staircase of the Elbe promenade, taking into account the distance rules, until our employees will place you.

Recommendations to our guests for visiting the restaurant and Elbe terrace:
We have disinfectant dispensers in our house. Please use them regularly.
Please take your cloakroom with you to your table.
We ask you for your consideration for each other and for responsible cooperation.
We therefore recommend that you continue to wear a mask inside.
If possible, please pay contactless with your debit or credit card.