From 2 July, we offer our burger menu every Thursday evening in the log cabin.
In addition to the classic hamburgers and cheeseburgers, you can put together your own burger as you wish.
Choose a tangy cocktail from our cocktail menu.
Reserve your table in the Blockhaus now +49 2352 95 800!

Burger evening

Put together your burger:

bread, blackburn, brioche, focaccia

Regional burger patties of Bruchbachbeef from Herscheid

Add to your burger as you like:

lettuce, tomato, cucumber, corn, onions, jalapeños, tortilla chips, cheese, bacon

Dips and sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, burger sauce, sour cream, BBQ sauce

In addition we serve you fries, sweet potato chips, potato wedges and a dessert glass

Price per person 24,90 €